Personal Bio

Welcome to Eric’s Blog! I’ve been maintaining a domain for many years, but have found myself slow to update content at times, so feel that a blog will better serve the need for more timely content posting. You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram where I tend to post a lot of daily photos from whatever my camera happens to see.

I’ve always been a lover of the outdoors, hiking and camping with my family from a young age, but near the end of college I began to venture further from the beaten path. For many years in my early and mid 20s I mountaineered and peak bagged all over California, with a special emphasis on the Sierra Nevada Mountains, who’s granite ridges and domes still hold a special place in my heart.

In 2006 I was introduced to the odd ‘sport’ that is ultramarathon running. I ran my first ultra at the Bishop High Sierra 50mile, finishing in just under 10h30min and since then its been a vicious downward spiral into the madness you see today. Now I regularly compete in ultramarathon races of 50k, 50mi and 100mi, but my true specialty is mountain running. No, not that stuff that goes up and down ski slopes, but running 13,000ft and 14,000ft peaks in Colorado. Year round I can be found hiking, climbing, skiing, canyoneering and exploring the Rocky Mt and deserts of the West. Within this Blog you’ll find stories of some of my adventures and some random thoughts from my life as a nerdy infectious disease scientist, enjoy.

Some of my achievements to date; Over 300 mountains summitted, climbed all the Colorado 14ers (working on a second completion), solo through hike of the John Muir Trail, 6th person to complete Nolans14 (57h27min14sec), FKT holder for the Elks 14er Traverse unsupported and the Yosemite Valley Rim Circumnavigation.

Special thanks to my sponsor VFuel for helping to support my habits.

2 thoughts on “Personal Bio

  1. Brad Ingram

    Hey Eric. My name is Brad Ingram, and I am out in Colorado scouting the Elks Traverse for a potential attempt around the first of September. I’m a weird mix of sailor/mountain runner, and I would love to chat with you about your record if you would be cool with such a thing! You’ve been a real inspiration on this line as no other line has spoken to me so much. Thanks man.

    1. Eric Post author

      That’s super awesome. It’s definitely a burly line that’ll test your mental and physical abilities. Happy to chat about it sometime, though between work and travel/running I’m kind of all over the place. Feel free to shoot me a direct email at, thebeave7 @


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