Finding One’s Way

Before my travels when someone asked what I was hoping to get out of this adventure I honestly didn’t have an answer. Maybe some adventure,  maybe some culture,  maybe some perspective?  Only a week into wandering SE Asia and I’m already starting to gain some insight on what this trip might mean,  though it’s constantly evolving.

This trip isn’t really about adventure,  though plenty will be had,  nor culture, though plenty will be experienced,  it’s about perspective.  Opening one’s  (my) eyes a little wider to that great big world around us,  not just to where I am at a given moment,  but to the people who occupy that space (locals and fellow travelers). Everyone had a story and lessons to share,  now I just need to get this introvert out of his shell to soak in as much as possible. Whether we like to admit it or not,  our personal bibles extend beyond our immediate surroundings and what we do and how we act effects those sometimes very far away. So for now,  here’s me going forward,  with my eyes and ears open to all the people and places that might come my way. Oh,  and a few pretty pictures to wrap things up. 

Democracy Square Taipei, Taiwan.

Temples Wat Pho in Bangkok, Thailand.

Temples of Ayutthaya, Thailand.

Lamai beach Koh Samui, Thailand.

Ang Thong National Marine Park, Koh Samui, Thailand.

Bua boke cave in Ang Thong National Park, Thailand.

Monkey! Just chilling on a remote island in the Gulf of Thailand.

Stay tuned for more.  Next up;  Khao Sok National Park, Chiang Mai and Cambodia. 

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